Converse Christianity – a new podcast

We may be a little late to this party, but Jeremy Moses and I have been recording a podcast and it launched just a couple of weeks ago. The strap-line captures the essence of our intention with each episode – to explore how to live out a countercultural faith in a secular age.

Besides being pastors together at Grace London, Jeremy and I are great friends, and we can and do talk for hours on theological and cultural issues in our normal day-to-day interactions. One of the passions that we share is a desire to articulate a vision of the Christian life that calls for radical commitment and distinctiveness. When a lot of churches and Christians are doing their best to fit in, we feel convinced that it is our difference that makes the faith attractive. Jesus was a radical; we should be too.

So far we’ve recorded episodes on sex, social media, church, rest, and the body. We have a lot more planned, and we hope to keep releasing them on a weekly basis to begin with. That is, until we run out of things to say (a vain hope for many of our regular hearers on Sundays).

You can find some key links to the podcast here on the church website. I’d love to hear any reflections or responses, and indeed, if you have any topics you want us to talk about, get in touch!